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Rescue or Purebred?

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Bitsy, after two years used as a breeder at the Envigo facility, is calmed by …

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From a working group breed, Ryder tries the Journalism profession, quickly taking up the reporter’s …

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Bright eyed, newly rescued beagle Vermont, with new “parents” Donna Ann Winterling and Andy Crook, …

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Thistle, another adoption from FCAS with new “‘mom” Jenny Elrod, of Laurel, Md.

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Thistle, who struggled having confidence in his new situation and with climbing stairs, finds comfort …

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Ryder, a purebred Hovawart, enjoys exploring his new home, especially the water features, as owner …

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Bitsy, another Envigo beagle, rescued thru Homeward Trails by long-time beagle fancier Matt Lavin and …

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Bitsy, after two years used as a breeder at the Envigo facility, is calmed by …


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